Results for 'George A. Krimpas'

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  1.  17
    Optimizing positional scoring rules for rank aggregation.Ioannis Caragiannis, Xenophon Chatzigeorgiou, George A. Krimpas & Alexandros A. Voudouris - 2019 - Artificial Intelligence 267 (C):58-77.
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    Efficiency and complexity of price competition among single-product vendors.Ioannis Caragiannis, Xenophon Chatzigeorgiou, Panagiotis Kanellopoulos, George A. Krimpas, Nikos Protopapas & Alexandros A. Voudouris - 2017 - Artificial Intelligence 248 (C):9-25.
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    Sites & Signs: Photographs by Georg Aerni.Georg Aerni - 2011 - Scheidegger & Spiess.
    Georg Aerni is a photographic artist with a particular interest in architecture. Educated as an architect himself, he has been working with the camera on this subject with great precision and consistence for the past fifteen years. Paris, Barcelona, Hon.
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    George Lukacs.George Lichtheim - 1970 - New York,: Viking Press.
    "While the great Hungarian critic and philosopher George Lukacs wrote voluminously over a 60-year period, his work is insufficiently known in the English-speaking world. In this remarkable study, George Lichtheim interprets Lukacs' political career and his equally controversial literary critiques, relating them to the traditional issues of Central European philosophy that inform all of Lukacs' work..." - Book jacket.
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    The continued exercise of reason: public addresses by George Boole.George Boole - 2018 - London, England: The MIT Press. Edited by Brendan Maurice Dooley.
    Introduction -- On the genius and discoveries of Sir Isaac Newton -- On the character and origin of the ancient mythologies -- On the question : are the planets inhabited? -- A plea for freedom -- The right use of leisure -- On education -- The claims of science -- The social aspect of intellectual culture.
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    Georges Florovsky: Letter to Davis McCaughey.Georges Florovsky & Teresa Obolevitch - 2025 - Studies in East European Thought 77 (1):225-229.
    The letter from Georges Florovsky to Davis McCaughey is a reflection after reading the Report The Era of Atomic Power: Report of a Commission (1946). Florovsky gives his own arguments against the development of research concerning nuclear weapons and their use. These include: treating an attempt at a technical transformation of the world as a human claim to put oneself in God’s place, i.e., to be a God-man. Another group of indictments against the use of the atomic bomb concerned ethical (...)
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    Islamic Theology and Philosophy: Studies in Honor of George F. Hourani.George Fadlo Hourani & Michael E. Marmura - 1984 - SUNY Press.
    Some of the foremost living scholars in Islamic thought have come together to create a standard and definitive work on the subject of Islamic thought. Noted scholars from North America, Europe, and the Middle East offer new and generative interpretations of major themes in the field. They address perennial theological and philosophical questions: the nature of the God-head, the ultimate constitution of matter, the world's origin, causality, divine providence and the existence of evil, freedom and determinism, political wisdom, and the (...)
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    (1 other version)The works of George Berkeley..George Berkeley & Alexander Campbell Fraser - 1871 - Oxford,: Clarendon Press. Edited by Alexander Campbell Fraser.
    George Berkeley (1685-1753) is the superstar of Irish Philosophy. He entered Trinity College, Dublin, in 1700 and became a fellow in 1707. In 1724 he resigned his Fellowship to become Dean of Derry, and in 1734 he was made Bishop of Cloyne. He settled in Oxford in 1752 and died the following year. The work of George Berkeley is marked by its diversity and range. His writings take in such topics as mathematics, psychology, politics, health, economics, deism and (...)
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    Georges Sorel's study on Vico.Georges Sorel - 2020 - Boston: Brill. Edited by Eric Brandom, Tommaso Giordani & Georges Sorel.
    Georges Sorel's Study on Vico is a revelatory document of the depths and stakes of French social thought at the end of the 19th century. What brought Sorel to the 18th century Neapolitan theorist of history? Acute awareness of the limitations of Marxist thought in his day, a profound concern with the material underpinnings of language, law, and culture, and the imperative to understand the possibilities of revolutionary change. We find here a different Sorel, one who speaks in surprising ways (...)
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  10.  3
    George Kateb: dignity, morality, individuality.George Kateb - 2015 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. Edited by John Evan Seery.
    George Kateb's writings have been innovatory in exploring the fundamental quandary of how modern democracy--sovereignty vested in the many--might nevertheless protect, respect, promote, even celebrate the singular, albeit ordinary individual. His essays, often leading to unexpected results, have focused on many inter-related topics: rights, representation, constitutionalism, war, evil, extinction, punishment, privacy, patriotism, and more. This book focuses in particular on his thought in three key areas: Dignity These essays exhibit the breadth and complexity of Kateb's notion of dignity and (...)
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  11.  38
    Georg Neugebauer: Affekt und Wille im Aufbau von Religion. Problemgeschichtliche Bezüge und systematische Aspekte der Lutherdeutung Karl Holls.Georg Neugebauer - 2018 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 25 (1-2):83-103.
    Karl Holl’s interpretation of Luther’s concept of religion is based on his theoretical understanding of will. The research literature has often overlooked the fact that this foundation itself is based on a theory of emotions. The psychological implications of his interpretation of Luther, which are merely implied by Holl, can be decoded in the context of contemporary research, in this article on the basis of work by Hermann Siebeck and Reinhold Seeberg. In this way, this article systematically highlights the complex (...)
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  12.  14
    George Nicholson's on the primeval diet of man (1801): vegetarianism and human conduct toward animals.George Nicholson - 1801 - Lewiston, NY: E. Mellen Press. Edited by Rod Preece.
    Though Nicholson (b.1760) devoted his life to a number of radical causes -- among them popular education, women's rights, democratic government, and animal welfare -- he was not part of the London circle of radical political reforms that their enemies called English Jacobins, but a printer far from the city. He did however contribute to the movement that brought a number of reforms during the 19th century, including legislation to protect animal interests. He argues not only that eating meat is (...)
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  13.  11
    Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel: The Science of Logic.Georg Wilhelm Fredrich Hegel - 2015 - Cambridge University Press.
    This new translation of The Science of Logic (also known as 'Greater Logic') includes the revised Book I (1832), Book II (1813), and Book III (1816). Recent research has given us a detailed picture of the process that led Hegel to his final conception of the System and of the place of the Logic within it. We now understand how and why Hegel distanced himself from Schelling, how radical this break with his early mentor was, and to what extent it (...)
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  14.  26
    George Berkeley's manuscript introduction.George Berkeley - 1987 - Oxford [England]: Doxa. Edited by Bertil Belfrage.
    In an attempt to provide a deeper understanding of the early development of Berkeley, this is a reprinting of the manuscript introduction to Principles of Human Knowledge. The manuscript introduction is shown to express a philosophy different from the doctrine he published.
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    George Holmes Howison, philosopher and teacher.George Holmes Howison - 1934 - Berkeley,: University of California press. Edited by John Wright Buckham & George Malcolm Stratton.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be (...)
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  16.  22
    Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel: The Phenomenology of Spirit.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (ed.) - 2017 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Hegel's The Phenomenology of Spirit is one of the most influential texts in the history of modern philosophy. In it, Hegel proposed an arresting and novel picture of the relation of mind to world and of people to each other. Like Kant before him, Hegel offered up a systematic account of the nature of knowledge, the influence of society and history on claims to knowledge, and the social character of human agency itself. A bold new understanding of what, after Hegel, (...)
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    Georges Bataille: essential writings.Georges Bataille - 1998 - Thousand Oaks, Calif.: SAGE Publications. Edited by Michael Richardson.
    Georges Bataille's work is an essential reference in any discussion of modernity and postmodernity. An important influence on Foucault, Derrida and post-structuralism, Bataille is a thinker of key significance. This volume makes a selection from the entire body of his academic work, showing how his thinking on sacrifice, eroticism, taboo and transgression, and the nature of identity inform his social theory. Bataille - Essential Writings contains much previously untranslated material, including the complete texts of seven essays, and long extracts from (...)
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  18.  4
    Philosophical remains of George Croom Robertson.George Croom Robertson - 1894 - London,: Williams & Norgate. Edited by Alexander Bain & Thomas Whittaker.
    "The present volume contains a collection of the more important philosophical writings of the late Prof. Groom Robertson. Outside this work, besides his volume on Hobbes, there remain his historical articles in the Encyclopdia Britannica on Abelard and Hobbes, his biographies of the Grotes in the Dictionary of National Biography (George Grote, his wife and two brothers--John and Arthur) and other minor contributions to various periodicals. The memoir is brief and comprehensive rather than minute. It has been somewhat extended (...)
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  19.  80
    Defensive Force as an Act of Rescue: GEORGE P. FLETCHER.George P. Fletcher - 1990 - Social Philosophy and Policy 7 (2):170-179.
    Jewish law takes an approach to self-defense that differs dramatically from the conventional assumptions of Western secular legal systems. The central theme of Talmudic jurisprudence is that self-defense rests on a duty not to stand idly by while one's neighbor suffers. “Do not stand on the blood of one's neighbor,” as the point is cryptically put in Leviticus 19:16. This way of thinking about self-defense departs in two significant ways from common Western assumptions. First, it stresses that the roots of (...)
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  20.  14
    (6 other versions)The Letters of George Santayana, Book Five, 1933--1936: The Works of George Santayana, Volume V.George Santayana & William G. Holzberger - 2001 - MIT Press.
    The fifth of eight books of the correspondence of George Santayana. During the period covered by this book, George Santayana had settled permanently in Rome. His best-selling novel, The Last Puritan, was published in London in 1935 and in the United States in 1936, where it was chosen as a Book-of-the-Month Club selection. In 1936 Santayana became one of the few philosophers ever to appear on the front cover of Time magazine. His growing influence was evidenced further by (...)
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  21.  11
    The correspondence between Sir George Gabriel Stokes and Sir William Thomson, Baron Kelvin of Largs.George Gabriel Stokes - 1990 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by William Thomson Kelvin & David B. Wilson.
    G. G. Stokes and Lord Kelvin helped bring about conceptual and institutional changes that transformed the science of physics. Indeed, they and their Victorian colleagues constituted one of the most significant groups of scientists in the whole history of science. This collection of letters was first published in 1990, and provides, therefore, invaluable insight and information for a period of major historical importance. Stokes and Kelvin corresponded for over fifty years as professors in Cambridge and Glasgow, respectively, thus amassing what (...)
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  22. Stepping forward in character : but onto what stage? Arendtian reflections on Kierkegaardian anti-politics.George Pattison - 2019 - In Robert L. Perkins & Sylvia Walsh Perkins, Truth is subjectivity: Kierkegaard and political theology: a symposium in honor of Robert L. Perkins. Macon, Georgia: Mercer University Press.
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  23. Who Knew?: Responsiblity Without Awareness.George Sher - 2009 - New York, US: Oxford University Press USA.
    To be responsible for their acts, agents must both perform those acts voluntarily and in some sense know what they are doing. Of these requirements, the voluntariness condition has been much discussed, but the epistemic condition has received far less attention. In Who Knew? George Sher seeks to rectify that imbalance. The book is divided in two halves, the first of which criticizes a popular but inadequate way of understanding the epistemic condition, while the second seeks to develop a (...)
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  24.  10
    The correspondence of George Berkeley.George Berkeley (ed.) - 2012 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    George Berkeley (1685-1753), Bishop of Cloyne, was an Irish philosopher and divine who pursued a number of grand causes, contributing to the fields of economics, mathematics, political theory and theology. He pioneered the theory of 'immaterialism', and his work ranges over many philosophical issues that remain of interest today. This volume offers a complete and accurate edition of Berkeley's extant correspondence, including letters both written by him and to him, supplemented by extensive explanatory and critical notes. Alexander Pope famously (...)
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    The Case for Tolerance: GEORGE P. FLETCHER.George P. Fletcher - 1996 - Social Philosophy and Policy 13 (1):229-239.
    For people to live together in pluralistic communities, they must find someway to cope with the practices of others that they abhor. For that reason, tolerance has always seemed an appealing medium of accommodation. But tolerance also has its critics. One wing charges that the tolerant are too easygoing. They are insensitive to evil in their midst. At the same time, another wing attacks the tolerant for being too weak in their sentimentsof respect. “The Christian does not wish to be (...)
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  26.  10
    Georg Büchnaer Jahrbuch (2005-2008)Georg Büchner Yearbook.Georg Büchner Gesellschaft, Eva-Maria Vering, Matthias Gröbel & Burghard Dedner (eds.) - 2008 - Walter de Gruyter – Max Niemeyer Verlag.
    The aim of the Georg Büchner Yearbook, which is published at irregular intervals, is to serve Büchner research as a forum for stock-taking and innovation, reflection and debate, for documenting sources and imparting information swiftly, to support critical debate and understanding, and in so doing to cover the whole range of research findings and discussions in both their substance and their methodology. This mission statement from the foreword to the 1st volume (1981) still guides the Yearbook in all its regular (...)
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  27.  10
    George Berkeley: de l'Obeissance Passive.George Berkeley - 1983 - Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin.
    Qu'on ne doit pas observer une totale obeissance passive vis-a-vis de n'importe quel pouvoir civil, mais que la soumission au gouvernement doit etre mesuree et limitee par le bien commun de la societe; que donc les sujets peuvent legitimement resister a l'autorite supreme dans le cas precis ou le bien commun parait clairement l'exiger; que dis-je! qu'il est du devoir des sujets de resister dans la mesure ou ils se trouvent tous dans la necessaire obligation de faire fleurir l'interet commun: (...)
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  28.  28
    Knowledge of Life.Georges Canguilhem - 2022 - Fordham University Press.
    As the work of thinkers such as Michel Foucault, François Jacob, Louis Althusser, and Pierre Bourdieu demonstrates, Georges Canguilhem has exerted tremendous influence on the philosophy of science and French philosophy more generally. In Knowledge of Life, a book that spans twenty years of his essays and lectures, Canguilhem offers a series of epistemological histories that seek to establish and clarify the stakes, ambiguities, and emergence of philosophical and biological concepts that defined the rise of modern biology. How do transformations (...)
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  29.  13
    Learning the Physics of Einstein with Georges Lemaître : Before the Big Bang Theory.Georges Lemaître, Jean-François Stoffel & Jan Govaerts - 2019 - Cham: Springer International Publishing.
    This book presents the first English translation of the original French treatise “La Physique d’Einstein” written by the young Georges Lemaître in 1922, only six years after the publication of Albert Einstein’s theory of General Relativity. It includes an historical introduction and a critical edition of the original treatise in French supplemented by the author’s own later additions and corrections. -/- Monsignor Georges Lemaître can be considered the founder of the “Big Bang Theory” and a visionary architect of modern Cosmology. (...)
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  30.  7
    Never Ones for Theory?: England and the War of Ideas.George Watson - 2000
    The British have often denied the very existence of a tradition of English literary theory. George Watson redeems that denial in his latest book, the first study of 20th Century English theory. The book begins with Yeats, Pound and Eliot, who made England their home. In subsequent chapters, based on personal recollection as well as published sources, it assesses the contribution of I.A. Richards, William Empson, F.R. Leavis, C.S. Lewis, Isaiah Berlin and Wittgenstein, as well as Marxists like E.P. (...)
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  31.  47
    My way to Non-reductive Neurophilosophy: Georg Northoff: How did I come to non-reductive neurophilosophy?Georg Northoff - 2022 - Journal of Neurophilosophy 1 (2).
    How did I come to non-reductive neurophilosophy? Let me sketch my biography a little. When I was young, I always wanted to study philosophy, the basic questions of the world, humans and the mind fascinated me – going down to the bottom of things. However, I did not want to study philosophy in isolation from the science. My fascination was and still is on the mind and specifically subjectivity as core feature of the mind. Subjectivity and mind are obviously key (...)
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  32. Why Kierkegaard still matters.George Connell - 2010 - In Robert L. Perkins, Marc Alan Jolley & Edmon L. Rowell, Why Kierkegaard matters: a festschrift in honor of Robert L. Perkins. Macon, Ga.: Mercer University Press.
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  33.  60
    The Philosophy of Psychology.George Botterill & Peter Carruthers - 1999 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Peter Carruthers.
    What is the relationship between common-sense, or 'folk', psychology and contemporary scientific psychology? Are they in conflict with one another? Or do they perform quite different, though perhaps complementary, roles? George Botterill and Peter Carruthers discuss these questions, defending a robust form of realism about the commitments of folk psychology and about the prospects for integrating those commitments into natural science. Their focus throughout the book is on the ways in which cognitive science presents a challenge to our common-sense (...)
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  34. The Logic of Provability.George Boolos - 1993 - Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book, written by one of the most distinguished of contemporary philosophers of mathematics, is a fully rewritten and updated successor to the author's earlier The Unprovability of Consistency. Its subject is the relation between provability and modal logic, a branch of logic invented by Aristotle but much disparaged by philosophers and virtually ignored by mathematicians. Here it receives its first scientific application since its invention. Modal logic is concerned with the notions of necessity and possibility. What George Boolos (...)
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  35.  9
    The life and philosophy of George Tucker.George Tucker - 2004 - Bristol: Thoemmes Continuum. Edited by James Fieser.
    v. 1. Tucker's life and writings -- v. 2. Essays on various subjects of taste, morals, and national policy -- v. 3. A voyage to the moon -- v. 4. Essays, moral and metaphysical.
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    The Roman Book: Books, Publishing and Performance in Classical Rome (review).George W. Houston - 2011 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 104 (2):258-259.
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  37. Sciences et problèmes d'unité.Georges Bouligand (ed.) - 1948 - Paris: Beauchesne.
    Source et limites de l'unité dans la mathématique, par Georges Bouligand. Bibliographie (p. 16)--La crise de l'unité dans la physique contemporaine, par Jean Abelé.--A la recherche de l'unité de la matière; point de vue du chimiste, par Jean Moretti.--Le problème de l'unité de la vie. Polygénisme ou monogénisme; le problème de l'unité de l'espèc humaine, par J. Carles.
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  38.  11
    The works of George Santayana.George Santayana - 1936 - [New York,: C. Scribner's sons.
    Persons and Places inaugurates a new definitive edition of Santayana's works that aims to come as close to his final intentions as possible.
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  39.  89
    The lost worlds of German orientalism: George S. Williamson.George S. Williamson - 2012 - Modern Intellectual History 9 (3):699-711.
    The opening lines of Franz Delitzsch's Babel und Bibel offer an unusually frank confession of the personal and psychological motives that animated German orientalism in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. For Delitzsch and countless others like him, orientalist scholarship provided an opportunity not just to expand their knowledge of the Near East and India, but also to explore the world of the Bible and, in doing so, effect a reckoning with the religious beliefs of their childhoods. In German Orientalism (...)
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  40.  9
    The Works of George Berkeley, D. D. ; Formerly Bishop of Cloyne, Including His Posthumous Works, with Prefaces, Annotations, Appendices, and an Account of His Life, by Alexander Campbell Fraser, in Four Volumes, S: Philosophical Works, 1732-33.George Berkeley - 1871 - Macmillan. Edited by Alexander Campbell Fraser.
    This Elibron Classics title is a reprint of the original edition published by the Clarendon Press in Oxford, 1901.
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  41.  8
    Soul machine: the invention of the modern mind.George Makari - 2015 - New York: W.W. Norton & Company.
    A brilliant and comprehensive history of the creation of the modern Western mind. Soul Machine takes us back to the origins of modernity, a time when a crisis in religious authority and the scientific revolution led to searching questions about the nature of human inner life. This is the story of how a new concept—the mind—emerged as a potential solution, one that was part soul and part machine, but fully neither. In this groundbreaking work, award-winning historian George Makari shows (...)
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  42.  10
    La philosophie du temps en perspective(s).George Herbert Mead - 2012 - Paris: Éditions de l'EHESS. Edited by Michèle Leclerc-Olive & Cécile Soudan.
    George Herbert Mead had a powerful influence on the development of American pragmatism in the twentieth century. He also had a strong impact on the social sciences. This classic book represents Mead's philosophy of experience, so central to his outlook. The present as unique experience is the focus of this deep analysis of the basic structure of temporality and consciousness. Mead emphasizes the novel character of both the present and the past. Though science is predicated on the assumption that (...)
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  43. Beyond Neutrality: Perfectionism and Politics.George Sher - 1997 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Many people, including many contemporary philosophers, believe that the state has no business trying to improve people's characters, elevating their tastes, or preventing them from living degraded lives. They believe that governments should remain absolutely neutral when it comes to the consideration of competing conceptions of the good. One fundamental aim of George Sher's book is to show that this view is indefensible. A second complementary aim is to articulate a conception of the good that is worthy of promotion (...)
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  44.  18
    Unorthodox Humeanism.Georg Sparber - 2009 - De Gruyter.
    The book discusses contemporary metaphysics of science and deals with the central question which ontology fits best with our knowledge of the world. Two competing positions in today's metaphysics of science are analysed: Humeanism and dispositionalism. There are physical and metaphysical arguments to show that orthodox Humeanism is in trouble. The unorthodox metaphysical turn consists in taking the fundamental properties to be relations rather than intrinsic properties. The book spells out in detail what an unorthodox version of Humeanism amounts to (...)
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  45.  27
    Defending the city.George Pattison - 2000 - Cultural Values 4 (3):338-351.
    In ‘Defending the City’ George Pattison seeks to defend the modern city against the charge — made, for example, by Graham Ward — that it is a merely secular phenomenon. Instead, he argues that, in its essence, it is multi‐dimensional and pluralistic, representing a range of diverse possibilities, creative as well as destructive. Also, the modern city is shown to anticipate the essential features of the postmodern city. The argument is illustrated by references to Pugin's critique of architectural eclecticism, (...)
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  46. The incoherence of empiricism.George Bealer - 1992 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 66 (1):99-138.
    Radical empiricism is the view that a person's experiences (sensory and introspective), or a person's observations, constitute the person's evidence. This view leads to epistemic self-defeat. There are three arguments, concerning respectively: (1) epistemic starting points; (2) epistemic norms; (3) terms of epistemic appraisal. The source of self-defeat is traced to the fact that empiricism does not count a priori intuition as evidence (where a priori intuition is not a form of belief but rather a form of seeming, specifically intellectual (...)
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  47.  21
    Self-interest and social order in classical liberalism: the essays of George H. Smith.George H. Smith - 2017 - Washington, D.C.: Cato Institute.
    There is a well-worn image and phrase for libertarianism: "atomized individualism." This hobgoblin has spread so thoroughly that even some libertarians think their philosophy unreservedly supports private persons, whatever the situation, whatever their behavior. Smith's Self-Interest and Social Order in Classical Liberalism, corrects this misrepresentation with careful intellectual surveys of Hume, Smith, Hobbes, Butler, Mandeville, and Hutcheson and their respective contributions to political philosophy.
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    Kierkegaard and the Crisis of Faith: An Introduction to His Thought.George Pattison - 2013 - Wipf and Stock Publishers.
    The standing of the Danish philosopher and religious thinker S¿ren Kierkegaard has gone up in recent years. Yet because he regarded communication as being as much about self-concealment as about self-revelation, he can still seem a forbidding and difficult figure. The deliberate ambiguity of Kierkegaard, in which he set out to repel as much as to attract his readers, is here explored by George Pattison, who gives full attention to the scandalous element of the philosopher's work, and does not (...)
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  49.  8
    Putting it into Words.George Pattison - 2005 - In Thinking About God in an Age of Technology. Oxford University Press UK.
    Thinking about God involves more than the wordless longing of the heart. Thinking must also be put into language, even if the role of silence is admitted. Apophatic and mystical traditions have always acknowledged the limitations of language. An approach is developed that looks to kinds of language other than the propositions that have been the stuff of traditional philosophical theology. These might include a shift to the subjunctive mood and the acceptance of parataxis, as in Heidegger’s exposition of Parmenides. (...)
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    Measurement, decomposition and level-switching in historical science: Geochronology and the ontology of scientific methods.George Borg - 2025 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 109 (C):123-131.
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